Alpine Public School

Vision & Mission


Our vision is to ensure that every student is successful, responsible, creative global citizen striving for excellence and committed to the progress of the society.

We believe that early childhood is a time to ignite children’s love and passion for learning, and we ensure that they enjoy attending the school.

Our teachers provide an appropriate, responsive, loving and stimulating learning experience, with innovative educational methods, experimental and contextual curriculum that bring to fruition the individual treasure within.


Alpinians would be triumphant, conscientious, ingenious and inclusive citizens striving for excellence and committed to the advancement of the society.

Alpine staff ignites love for learning in a safe and secure environment and acts as a mediator by providing an appropriate, responsive, loving and inspiring schooling experience with innovative educational methods.

Our contextual curriculum is coupled with an ‘environment and skill-based’ learning, bringing forth the moral values that need to be inculcated in every student ‘Just as a True Alpinian’.